• A contribution to the economics of multispecies harvesting with special attention to the Barents Sea fisheries 

      Flåten, Ola (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 1990)
      This is a thesis on the utilization of renewable resources with species interactions, within the field of natural resource economics. It comprises theoretical analysis as well as empirical application of the theory to the fisheries of the Barents Sea and adjacent areas.
    • Fisheries rent creation and distribution – the imaginary case of Codland 

      Flåten, Ola (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2009-08-27)
      This paper discusses actual and possible achievements and failures of Codland and examines it from the point of view of efficiency and in terms of distribution. It is argued in favour of the joint analysis of the two approaches when contemplating fisheries management reforms, since such reforms may create both winners and losers. The analysis demonstrates how rent drain from fishing communities and ...
    • Fokus på økonomien i de nordiske fiskerier. Sjarkfiske med 8-14,9 m båter i Norge 

      Eriksen, Guri Hjallen; Flåten, Ola (Working paper; Arbeidsnotat, 2006-09)
    • Government financial transfers to the fish harvesting, processing and aquaculture industries Norway 1990 - 2002 

      Hermansen, Øystein; Flåten, Ola (Working paper; Arbeidsnotat, 2004-03)
      This report investigates and quantifies Norwegian governmental financial transfers (GFT) to primarily the fish harvesting industry, but also the fish processing and aquaculture industries. Focus is on the period 1990 to 2002. The data sources for this report are mainly public accounts of the Ministry of Fisheries, that channelled the bulk of support measures. We also rely heavily on a set of ...
    • Kappfiske - problem eller løsning? 

      Flåten, Ola; Hermansen, Øystein (Working paper; Arbeidsnotat, 2005-02)
      Landingene av torsk i Norge er sterkt sesongvarierte. Fangstene i første halvår i årene 1983- 84 utgjorde om lag 85 % av årets totalfangst. I 1986-88 var andelen sunket til om lag 70 %, mens den steg til 80 % i 1999-2000 og til 90 % i 2001-02. Dette landingsmønsteret for kystflåtens fangster av torskefisk er et resultat av en rekke faktorer; fiskens tilgjengelighet, kvalitet, pris, flåtestruktur, ...
    • Nature reserves as a bioeconomic management tool. A simplified modeling approach 

      Flåten, Ola; Mjølhus, Einar (Working paper; Arbeidsnotat, 2006-02)
      This paper demonstrates analytically how a nature reserve may protect the total population, realize maximum sustainable yield (MSY), maximum economic yield (MEY) and consumer surplus (CS) and how this depends on biological growth, migration, reserve size and economic parameters. The pre-reserve population is assumed to follow the logistic growth law and two post-reserve growth models are discussed. ...